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There is a vast selection of different styles of panels and grid.  We recommend first finding the style you want, or at least having a good idea of the look you're trying to achieve.  Our sales associates can help you choose the right materials in our showroom, located at 801 Euclid Ave., Temple, PA 19560, or we can order direct from Armstrong.

Armstrong Residential Ceilings
Ceilings | Armstrong Residential | Ceilings, Ceiling Ideas, and Ceiling Help - For the Home (

Armstrong Ceiling Fashion Look Book:

retailer-guide-en.pdf (


Our stock is limited, however, we do carry a number of standard styles in case you're only looking for a few replacements.  Give us a call at 610-926-5351.



     Acoustical Ceiling Installation


If you're looking to install a suspended ceiling or ceiling tiles in your home or business we have what you need.  Whether you're looking to have it installed or to just buy the materials to do it yourself, Harron's Insulation & Ceilings, Inc. can help.


For the handyman we have the materials and expert advise to guide you through every step of the project.  If you chose us to install your new ceiling you can be sure of the highest quality and craftmanship.


Some questions to ask yourself when deciding what type of ceiling you want:


Q. Do I want to lower my existing ceiling and/or cover unsightly damage or objects in my current ceiling?

A. Suspeneded ceilings are a good way to drop the ceiling height below and hide the unsightly aspects of your current ceiling.


Q. Are you simply tired of a flat, boriing ceiling.

A. Ceiling tiles provide a variety of decorative options to dress-up your current ceiling look.


Ceiling Options


Panel Options:

2'x2', 2'x4', or 1'x1'

Tegular (shadowline) or lay in

Mineral fiber, fiberglass, wood, or metal

Panels come in a variety of patterns and several different colors.


Grid Options:

Grid is readily available in white or black and to a lesser extent walnut. There is also a whole array of colors and finishes available on a special order basis.

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--- (c) 2020 Harron's Insulation & Ceilings, Inc.  All rights reserved. ---

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